Heaven is not something from fairy tale. It's a very real place that Jesus is preparing for those who have put their faith in Him. It is place that will have no tears, pain, sorrow or death. It is the hope of all you believe in Christ.
The Bible makes it very clear that unbelievers have a very different future. The descriptions of hell as a "lake of fire" and a "place of torment" give us a clue that it will be a terrible place.
Given the two alternatives, the choice is clear. You may have already made your decision, but there are many people who have not. Since Christ died to keep people out of hell can't you at least make some effort to talk with your friends and family about this most important choice?
"Their doom is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death." Revelation 21:8
Location:Knollwood Dr,Bethel,United States