Read 1 Samuel 22:1-5
A story is told about a boy who valiantly, but unsuccessfully, attempted to move a heavy log to clear a pathway to his favorite hideout. His dad stood quietly nearby, watching his son straining against the load. Finally he said, "Son, why aren't you using all of your strength?"
Confused and a little angry, the boy responded, "Dad, I'm using every last little bit of strength I have!"
"No, son, you're not," his dad quietly responded. "You haven't asked me to help."
Effective leaders use all of their strength by recognizing, developing and utilizing the people around them. They know how to develop healthy alliances both with those on their own team and those on other teams.
While fleeing from Saul, David certainly demonstrated that ability. Two miles from the city of Gath is a labyrinth of hills and valleys, honeycombed with caves. One cave stood near the ancient city of Adullam, and David found refuge in it. While he was in hiding with his family, David attracted to himself others who were also experiencing hardship. In fact, four hundred men eventually allied themselves with David. In addition to those alliances, David connected with the king of Moab, who provided shelter for his parents. Finally, the prophet Gad of feared the fugitive direction from God.
David possessed the foresight to know that he couldn't go it alone. He worked to build others' trust in his leadership ability, and he evidently proved himself. David's forces were loyal to him, and together they realized success against the enemies of Israel (see 23:1-6).
Effective leaders possess the unique ability to build alliances with people who can help to advance their causes. What alliances do you now have that are mutually beneficial? What do you do to foster them and to encourage their growth? Can you think of any alliances professional or personal that are having a negative impact on you or on others?
Think again about the short story at the beginning of this meditation. Are there people who are standing quietly by, watching you strain away with your tasks? Part of your task as leader is to form healthy alliances and to encourage others to step forward and help you. By doing so you'll accomplish two goals: lightening your own load and helping to develop leadership qualities in others.
Healthy Alliances and Who God Is
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure. As the perfect and eternal community of being, God is the ultimate embodiment of a healthy alliance. The perfect love that flows between the Father and the Son is manifested as a third eternal Person, the Holy Spirit. The amazing truth is that God wants us to enter into the depths of this unity. Turn to John 17:13-26 to read Jesus' high priestly prayer on behalf of his disciples and all believers.
Healthy Alliances and Who I Am
People were created for community. Even hermits frequently live in colonies! But alliances with others can be either healthy or toxic, and it is essential that we take this into account when we engage in personal and business partnerships. Turn to 1 Samuel 30:26-30 for an illustration of David's wisdom in forming healthy alliances.
We all need allies on whom we can rely and whom we can trust in the tough times. David, as we have seen, illustrates how healthy alliances work. 2 Samuel 16:15 17:23 provides an extended story of David's strength and weakness in the craft of forming healthy alliances.
Healthy Alliances and What I Do
Perhaps no other American leader is as admired as Abraham Lincoln. And one of this great leader's greatest assets was his ability to build healthy alliances even with difficult people. In his excellent book, Lincoln on Leadership, Donald T. Phillips points out how Lincoln built such strong alliances. Turn to Proverbs 13:20 for today's reading.
This Week's Verse to Memorize Proverbs 11:14
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. Healthy Alliances and How They Work
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