We have our "Flours". People that are light. It goes where ever the wind blows, if it's not taken care properly. We have our "Waters". In the right proportion, it can hydrate a person and kill their thirst. Too much, in the other hand can suffocate. The "Salts" can add flavor or dehydrate what ever it touches. The "Honeys" are sweet. It can help balance the "Salts". Are, also, very sticky, and once they are on you, its very hard to wipe it away. You can only wash it away, but it will change its composition. The "Milks" can make you strong. The "Yeast" can make you grow. The "Butters" can either make you slick as a slug or help tie everything together. Even if we follow the recipe and put everyone of these ingredients in a bow, they, by themselves will not become a bread.
As the body of Christ, we need to come together as one, much like the ingredients for a bread. We know that the Creator will add to us as He sees the need. If we are too "full of airs", He will knead them out. If we lack consistency, He will add more Flour". For taste, He will add more "Honey" or "Salt" to this "Bread-like Body." When the ingredients are joined together to the right texture then we have the "Time in the Oven." In the "oven" is where our fears come to life and temptations come to haunt. This is the true test of the dough. To either come together or completely fall apart. While all of this is happening, we wait....
With every phase of our lives, we have all faced this: The waiting. Waiting for a son to come home, waiting for a baby to be born, waiting for the spouse to calm down. Waiting requires Patience. Otherwise, if you don't let the bread rest and rise up to the "challenge", when you take it out of the oven, it will be tough as nails.
I encourage you to be like the recipe of a bread and make yourselves available to Him and let Him mold you, according to His will. It might take some adjustment on all of our part but when this bread comes out of the oven- and trust me it will- it will be perfect in every way!