Monday, June 24, 2013

Mesmo Nao Entendendo

"E disse o SENHOR a Gideão: Muito é o povo que está contigo, para eu dar aos midianitas em sua mão; a fim de que Israel não se glorie contra mim, dizendo: A minha mão me livrou." Juízes 7:2

Pensamento: Depois de reunir o seu exército para enfrentar os midianitas, Deus resolve mudar os planos e diz a Gideão que tinha gente demais. Então Gideão em obediência ao Senhor, faz uma seleção e ficam apenas 300 homens. Mas o exército dos midianitas era muito maior, e a probabilidade de uma derrota era real. Gideão não tinha dúvida que aquele número não era suficiente e sabia que humanamente seria impossível lutar com esse número reduzido, mas o que Deus faz é tirar tudo em que ele poderia se apoiar. Para firmar o coração de Gideão, Deus queria que ele apenas confiasse e deixasse-O fazer. Para conseguirmos crescer em nossa fé é necessário aprendermos a obedecer a Deus, mesmo sem entender quais são os Seus planos.

Oração: Senhor Deus, ensina-me a ser obediente, a confiar completamente no Senhor, a entregar toda minha ansiedade a Ti, ensina-me a entender que o Senhor quer agir na minha vida, e nos meus problemas, que o Senhor é o meu socorro bem presente, e que o Senhor tem sempre a resposta para nossas orações. Perdoa minha falta de fé, pelas vezes que eu duvidei que o Senhor fosse capaz de fazer um milagre em minha vida. Eu oro em nome de Jesus. Amém.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Everything Is Mine

God’s ownership goes hand in hand with his victory: “In triumph I will parcel out Shechem … Gilead is mine, Manasseh is mine; … Moab is my washbasin … over Philistia I shout in triumph” (Ps 108:7–9). Wicked and disobedient people may prosper in the present life, but the psalms remind us over and over again of the truth: All the wealth of the world one day will be returned to its rightful Owner. “For from him and through him and for him are all things” (Ro 11:36).

Christian financial stewardship leaders Larry Burkett (1939–2003) and Ron Blue relate an anonymous tale. Despite its lighthearted tone, it is difficult not to squirm at its truth:

Mr. and Mrs. Thing are a very pleasant and successful couple.

At least, that’s the verdict of most people who tend to measure success with a “thingometer.”

When the “thingometer” is put to work in the life of Mr. and Mrs. Thing, the result is startling.

There is Mr. Thing sitting down on a luxurious and very expensive thing, almost hidden by a large number of other things.

Things to sit on, things to sit at, things to cook on, things to eat from, all shiny and new.

Things, things, things.

Things to clean with and things to wash with and things to clean and things to wash.

And things to amuse and things to give pleasure and things to watch and things to play.

Things for the long, hot summer and things for the short, cold winter.

Things for the big thing in which they live and things for the garden and things for the deck and things for the kitchen and things for the bedroom.

And things on four wheels and things on two wheels and things to put on top of the four wheels and things to pull behind the four wheels and things to add to the interior of the thing on four wheels.

Things, things, things.

And there in the middle are Mr. and Mrs. Thing, smiling and pleased as punch with things, thinking of more things to add to things.

Secure in their castle of things …

Well, I just want you to know that your things can’t last.

They’re going to pass. There’s going to be an end to them …

And someday, when you die, they only put one thing in the box.


Think About It
  • What does it mean to you that God owns even the nations?
  • In what ways do you resonate with the story told by Burkett and Blue?
  • It’s likely the story reminds you of a truth that you already know. So why is it so difficult to prioritize life properly?

Pray About It
Lord of all, I praise you for your might and power. And I pray that I will be a good steward of all the things that you have given to me in this life.